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Follow up on the 13th International Dialogue on Population and Sustainable Development

Letter addressed to PSH after our CEO attended the 13th International Dialogue on Population and Sustainable Development in October 2015.

Dear colleague,

On behalf of the steering committee of the 13th International Dialogue “Health, Gender, Rights: Moving beyond 2015”, we would like to thank you again for your participation. We appreciate your contributions that have made the conference to a great success! As you know, we have incorporated your ideas and recommendations into the Berlin Statement that sums up what the newly adopted 2030 Agenda holds for advancing SRHR as a key dimension of sustainable development and what actions should be taken by the relevant stakeholders.

At the International Conference on Family Planning in Nusa Dua in Indonesia, February 25-28th we had the opportunity to present these results in our panel discussion “From Berlin to Bali - Health, Gender, Rights: Moving Beyond 2015”. The response from the audience was excellent and the participants welcomed our recommendations from the Berlin Statement.

Now, we would like to get an idea of how the Berlin Statement has been put to use in your work since November 2015 onwards. Have you shared the document with office colleagues in your home countries? Was the statement extended to ministries/ other NGOs/ to parliamentarians? Have you printed and distributed it to your partners?

Please share with us your experiences with the document or any activities and actions you plan to pursue with the statement in the near future. We would love to hear in which ways the Berlin Statement has been useful for your work!

Please refer to the Berlin Statement at:

Warm regards,

The Steering Committee of the International Dialogue on Population and Sustainable Development Klaus Brill (Bayer), Dr. Gerd Eppel (GIZ), Annette Gabriel (KfW), Catherina Hinz (GIZ), Katrin Erlingsen (DSW), Elizabeth Marks (IPPF), Julia Millauer (GIZ), Mareike Theisling (BMZ), Matthew Lindley (IPPF)

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