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'Sex education in schools does not sexualise children'

by Shakirah Thebus - Argus Newspaper - Mar 2, 2020


Cape Town - Sex education in schools does not sexualise children or prompt them to participate in sexual behaviour, says Granville Whittle, deputy director-general of care and support services for the Department of Basic Education.


This was also the overwhelming sentiment shared at the launch of the #BecauseWeCan Campaign, which focuses on advocating the promotion of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) among the youth.


Sexing-up youth cafes

by George Mhango - The Nation newspaper, Malawi - 28 December 2019


Mercy Mashaba, 20, a mother of one, once lived a hopeless life from the time she fell pregnant at the age of 16. She had no knowledge about safe sex, including condoms, abstinence and partner reduction. For her, she thought, it was normal because in Noordhoek, South Africa, it was not strange for a girl to be impregnated and be deserted by the man responsible.


“Until this day, I have no idea about the whereabouts of the man who made me pregnant. He was a foreigner,” she says. Worse still, Mashaba had nowhere to go to seek legal redress because of lack of knowledge.

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Church should not play hard ball on sex education

by Selma Ikela - The Era newspaper, Namibia - 20 December 2019

CAPE TOWN - A South African-based organization, Partners in Sexual Health (PSH) is of the opinion that church leaders are critical in the sex education debate and should be encouraged to start conversations and pick topics they are comfortable addressing. 


PSH representatives said they have managed to get the buy-in from religious and traditional leaders in their country when it comes to addressing issues and understanding of sexual reproductive health as well as comprehensive sexuality education (CSE). 


PSH national youth coordinator for Siyakwazi Youth Network Jabulile Nduzuzo Mlandu acknowledged during a recent media training and tour, that it was difficult to start conversations with religious and traditional leaders at the beginning. 

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Focus on the family to address Gender-based Violence (GBV)

by Jane Rabothata - SABC Channel Africa - 17 December 2019

Cape Town - South Africa is missing the biggest link in fighting Gender-Based Violence, and that is family. This is according to the non-profit organisation, Partners in Sexual Health (PSH). PSH however welcomes the recent launch of the 365 day campaign against GBV in the country as an extension of the annual 16 days of activism, which ended last week. Jane Rabothata reports…

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Podcast: Young people drive efforts to advance sexual reproductive health, rights

by Jane Rabothata - SABC Channel Africa - 17 December 2019

Cape Town - Young people in Velddriff, in the Western Cape province of South Africa are taking the lead in helping their peers overcome social ills such as teenage pregnancy and HIV. This, with the help of Partners in Sexual Health (PSH), a non-profit organisation that seeks to advance social justice. According to PSH, there will be greater impact if the youth themselves are proactive in efforts to address issues that directly affect them. Jane Rabothata recently attended a World AIDS Day Event in Velddrif and filed the following report…

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Podcast: Promoting HIV awareness, testing among young people

by Jane Rabothata - SABC Channel Africa - 17 December 2019

Cape Town - The community of Velddrif in Western Cape in South Africa commemorated World AIDS day with a particular focus on raising awareness on HIV among young people. The country is making significant progress in scaling up HIV testing and increasing viral suppression in patients receiving treatment. However, particularly concerning are the high rates of new HIV infection among adolescent girls and young women aged 15-24, with an estimated one-thousand-five-hundred acquiring HIV every week. At the AIDS day event last week, Jane Rabothata spoke to Patricia Mandlana, a facility based counsellor at Velddif clinic about efforts to prevent new infections and promote testing among young people.

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