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Siyakwazi Youth Network Zoom Webinar
Womxn in Leadership: Intergenerational conversation on leadership and inspiration
"My Voice, Our Equal Future"
Wednesday, 14 October 2020 at 12h30 SAST
The International Day of the Girl, 11 October 2020, is a period of recognition and celebration of the struggles and successes of young womxn and girls in society. Womxn in leadership have shown immense growth over the years as womxn challenge traditional ideologies relating to gender and work. Womxn in positions of leadership have emerged across generations as they enter spaces and places formerly dominated by men, facing unique challenges in getting to the top. This year, under the theme, "My Voice, Our Equal Future", such trials and tribulations need to be observed in the promotion of girl's empowerment and fulfilment of their human rights.
Webinar Objectives
Discuss the current state of young womxn and girls in South Africa in relation to Agenda 2030. Explore the attendee's potential role in its realisation.
Profile the status of womxn in the workplace.
Create a space in which attendees are linked to older, successful womxn in leadership to "learn the tricks of the trade".
Empower young womxn and girls in our communities.
Visit our Past Meetings and Workshop page to view the Zoom Recording for this webinar.